Project details
CryptoKara is a decentralized wallet where users can
buy, sell, hold crypto along with swap, stake crypto.
With added on options to add custom tokens and perform transactions on them as well. Support for multiple wallets where you can add/remove wallets using multiple mnemonic phrases!
CryptoKara allows you support for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, TRON blockchain network. CryptoKara also has support for sending and receiving NFT along with a P2P module that can help you buy cryptocurrency using your bank funds!
CryptoKara is not only a mobile application but desktop application is available as well!
With added on options to add custom tokens and perform transactions on them as well. Support for multiple wallets where you can add/remove wallets using multiple mnemonic phrases!
CryptoKara allows you support for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance, TRON blockchain network. CryptoKara also has support for sending and receiving NFT along with a P2P module that can help you buy cryptocurrency using your bank funds!
CryptoKara is not only a mobile application but desktop application is available as well!
Technology Stack
- React Native CLI
- Javascript
- Redux
- Web3.0
- NodeJS (Express)
- Stripe
- Fastlane
- Heroku
Packages Used
- Axios
- Moment
- React Native Apple Authentication
- React Native Slider
- React Native Bottom Tabs
- React Navigation
- React Native Animatable
- React Native Calendar
- React Native Chart Kit
- React Native IAP (In App Purchases)
- React Native Linear Gradient
- React Native Paypal
- React Native Snap Carousel
- React Native Text Input Mask
- React Native Vector Icons