Project details
AcesoAI mobile app is a virtual trainer for you where
you can get daily workout sessions. Machine Learning
algorithm is trained which allows you to update your
workout daily by learning from your previous workout.
Algorithm adapts according to the weight, sets, and
moves of each exercise and derives if it should
increase/decrease the extent of the workout user is
AcesoAI mobile application is desingned by me which allowed the user to customise his/her whole experience according to their needs. User can customise their body characteristics such as weight, height, age and body type. Paypal and Apple Subscriptions were integrated to subscribe for monthly and yearly package of AcesoAI. A tracker was introduced for the user where user could get the details of each day workout he did on specific date or provided date range.
AcesoAI mobile application is desingned by me which allowed the user to customise his/her whole experience according to their needs. User can customise their body characteristics such as weight, height, age and body type. Paypal and Apple Subscriptions were integrated to subscribe for monthly and yearly package of AcesoAI. A tracker was introduced for the user where user could get the details of each day workout he did on specific date or provided date range.
Technology Stack
- React Native CLI
- Javascript
- Redux
- MongoDB
- NodeJS (Express)
- Stripe
- Fastlane
- Heroku
Packages Used
- Axios
- Moment
- React Native Apple Authentication
- React Native Slider
- React Native Bottom Tabs
- React Navigation
- React Native Animatable
- React Native Calendar
- React Native Chart Kit
- React Native IAP (In App Purchases)
- React Native Linear Gradient
- React Native Paypal
- React Native Snap Carousel
- React Native Text Input Mask
- React Native Vector Icons